Lately, prelit trees have grabbed everyone’s attention. While many have been hesitant to jump onto the bandwagon, others are glad to bid goodbye to the hassle of untangling strings of lights and having a tree all ready and illuminated as soon as it is out of the box.
The only bit of effort that decorators have to exert at the most is to fluff out the branches and plug the tree in. Apart from this advantage, the prelit trees are simply stunning and beautiful to look at.
It’s time people clear the misconception that prelit trees look fake and a painful sight because that’s entirely untrue. In this article, we will tell you all the reason why prelit trees are gorgeous in addition to being convenient.
1. Prelit Trees Help Observe Traditions
Most of us, if not all, live powerfully demanding lives. Our careers, family responsibilities and social lives consume every minute and deprive us of the luxury of spending hours on decorating the tree. Yet, Christmas is never complete without evergreen beauty lighting up your space and boxes of gifts lying underneath.
Thus, due to the time shortage, a prelit tree ensures you are not abandoning traditions and still decorate your home as your parents and grandparents would back then.
2. Spare Budget for Other Christmas Expenses
Getting a fresh Christmas tree every year does demand a sizeable sum of money. The season already demands a lot more, what with the gifts you have to give each family member, whipping up dozens of treats and goodies, home repairs for the seasons and others.
In this case too, a prelit tree proves quite beneficial. Once you invest in one, it can last you for years without having to replace it. This way you do not have to spend more money on a fresh tree every Christmas and ornaments and lights too. You can reuse the prelit tree and spend the extra cash on other necessities.
3. Easy Customization
Even as adults, we all envision our fantasy Christmas trees but sadly Mother Nature cannot cater to our individual tastes. However, with prelit trees you have the option to purchase one that allows customization.
With this added feature, you find a tree as tall, voluminous or rustic-looking as you want. In fact, with pre lit trees you can even find the replicate of the natural variety you always wanted as a kid but never got a chance to.
4. Exude Warmth and Charm
With prelit Christmas trees, you can opt for whatever lighting variety that appeals to you the most. You have the option to pick between incandescent lighting, white lights, clears lights, multi-colored and others.
What’s more, most of the prelit varieties promise to have lights that will beam brightly for twenty-five hours. Imagine the kind of brightness, glow and illumination these lights will bring to your home, all without having to work hard yourself.
It is quite painstaking a task to untangle strings upon strings of light each year then runs them around the tree. While most of us would love to spare so much time into holiday merrymaking, other responsibilities just don’t allow us.
With prelit Christmas trees, you have a beautiful replication bringing hope, tidings of comfort and joy and spreading a festive spirit throughout your home.